A Beginners Guide to Manifestation
Do you know what your exact future is going to be?
Yes? No? Maybe?
Your conscious mind has just produced an answer whatever that might be.
But in reality that answer is irrelevant when it comes to influencing action.
Its the deeper subconscious mind that calls the shots in this department.
And it takes more than thought alone to engage the subconscious mind. This level of mind only responds to the presence of strong emotions.
As you have experiences in life that evoke strong emotions, your subconscious creates and stores core memories from them.
Your subconscious is constantly bathing in this cocktail of different emotional memories.
Over time it develops an attachment to the presiding emotion, almost like an addiction.
Once this happens it becomes set on a certain course to automate you towards experiencing this emotion.
This means that whether you’re aware consciously or not your subconscious is driving you towards a very predictable future.
You may think you want to be financially independent, sipping cocktails whilst watching the sunset from your luxury paradise villa–
But your subconscious mind is consumed by negative emotions like:
- Fear
- Pain
- Hate
- Guilt
- Anger
- Shame
- Victimisation
Past memories of all the negative experiences in your life live here pulling your strings from behind the scenes.
You end up stuck in repetitive cycles of making choices and taking actions that don’t make sense to your conscious desires.
The 2 Levels of Mind
These 2 levels of mind, your conscious mind and subconscious don’t have the most straightforward communication with each other.
This is why most people have a mismatch between the life they say they want and the life they are actually living.
If your conscious mind had 100% influence over your subconscious mind then when I ask you–
What's your future going to be you’d say, Lewis my future is going to be exactly what I want it to be.
But when you're thinking consciously about what you want to happen a communication breakdown occurs.
The subconscious mind ignores the negative aspect of the thought but will happily processes the associated negative emotion.
For example:
Conscious Thought = I don’t want to be broke
Subconscious Interpretation = I want to be broke
Emotion triggered by Conscious Thought: ‘I don’t want to be broke’ = Fear
Subconscious reaction –> Stores ‘Being broke’ alongside ‘Fear’
Result: Subconscious gets continuous fix of ‘Fear’ by avoiding anything that will create wealth.
When your energy is constantly focused on thoughts which evoke negative emotions such as:
‘I Hate my job’
‘My boss makes me so Angry’
‘I’m Scared I won’t be able to get a better job’
The subconscious mind feels the hate, anger and fear, gets comfortable with that environment and says yes please lets have some more.
This is the state of mind most people have in relation to work which is why hating your job is normalised by society.
Hacking the Subconscious
You’re probably thinking, but Lewis I do have positive thoughts as well and I do want wealth, health and happiness.
Thats good, but a fleeting positive desire simply isn’t strong enough to tempt the subconscious mind away from the negative emotions its been holding onto for years and years.
If you want to positively influence your subconscious mind to change your life course, you need to bombard it with strong positive emotions.
These emotions need to be linked to experiences that you want to have in the future.
How do you expose your subconscious mind to the positive emotional experiences you want it to be reprogrammed towards?
Everything negative currently in your subconscious mind is there because of a memory thats already happened... Right?
So how does something get there without it actually happening?
The answer is Manifestation.
Manifestation is having a memory of your future.
Lately I’ve been reading about the intersection between science and spirituality. Its through this lens that manifestation starts to become a lot more legit.
I’m going to give you 2 different takes on manifestation and I’ll let you decide which one feels best.
Manifestation Explanation 1
Manifestation is when you consciously combine thoughts about future desires with such strong positive emotions–
That those thoughts become irresistible to your subconscious mind.
Your subconscious mind then programs them as new core memories as if they had actually happened in real life.
This is why manifestation gives you a feeling of complete belief in what you want to happen.
From your subconscious minds POV it thinks that it already HAS happened.
Therefore it influences your actions and behaviours to move towards this elevated emotional state associated with your desire.
How does that sound? Reasonable?
Manifestation Explanation 2
Only read on if you’re ready to open your mind to the metaphysical…
Some background first:
The universe is an infinite field of energy. And so is everything in it.
Energy is organised into perceptible matter like:
- Your body
- The mobile/computer you’re reading this on
- The ground,
- The earth,
- The clouds
- The visible spectrum of light from the sun.
And energy that exists imperceptibly like:
- Thoughts
- Emotions
- X-rays, Microwaves and Radio waves. i.e electromagnetic radiation.
You can see the effect that they have on matter, but they themselves are immaterial i.e invisible.
Now then, hold tight it gets deep.
Everything that you could ever experience in your life already exists within the universe as energy.
Yes that includes the possibility of you sipping cocktails in your own luxury villa.
Somewhere out in the universe that exact situation is vibrating as immaterial potential energy.
This is how everything that has already happened started. It was materialised by someone who had a thought of what they wanted and then that thing happened.
Your thoughts are energy and each different thought that you have emits its own specific frequency.
You are also energy and emit an imperceptible electromagnetic field which your thoughts and emotions contribute to.
When you consistently think about what you want to happen in your future, your electromagnetic field vibrates with this specific energy.
When you combine this thought with strong positive emotions such as:
- Joy
- Love
- Bliss
- Gratitude
You amplify the signal of your energy field significantly.
Because the universe is an infinite space of energy, the exact energy match to your electromagnetic field is out there.
Now that you're radiating this massive energy signal out there. You're magnetically attracting the corresponding energy of the infinite universe towards you.
Once it gets to you it will materialise in your life in a way that you could never predict.
You’ve synched up with the universe and now random things will happen that create the life your electromagnetic field is broadcasting.
Manifestation is a topic that I’m now kind of obsessed with.
So whether you love or hate it. I hope that if you’ve read this far you can at least appreciate the value it can have in your personal development journey.
Thats why I’ve made a manifestation visualizer template for you which you can check out in the link below.
Thanks for reading
I help people to regain control of their lives without feeling overwhelmed- through my virtual coaching room 'The Empowerment Clinic'
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