How to Set Effective Goals to Win the Game of Life
I'm going to share with you a memory that changed my life.
It all started with a video game which you may have heard of called NBA 2K, don’t worry if you’ve played FIFA or any other sports game you’ll be able to relate.
I was living with my girlfriend at the time and we were both working antisocial oncall rotas. I was on psychiatry and she was on A+E so we hardly ever saw each other at home.
So I got really into playing NBA 2K when she was working in A+E.
And the reason it sticks in my mind is because I would send her photos of my character in NBA 2K on the front cover of magazines, getting brand deals and just general accolades that I was proud of.
I don’t really know whether I was trying to cheer her up, or whether I genuinely needed the validation of my video game achievements because it felt like nothing was happening in real life for me.
Anyway, there I was, grinding away in NBA 2K, trying to take my rookie character to the top.
My mission was clear: turn this low-skilled, low-paid rookie into an NBA champion MVP as fast as possible.
I was in a hurry to level up as I didn’t have much time to play due to needing to do things like sleep and eat around work.
So I started simulating games to save time. I knew I might lose some games but overall I would get points quicker. Seemed like a smart move, right?...
Wrong. Very wrong.
Every time I let the computer simulate the games, my team lost. The computer did my guy dirty every time it was infuriating!
Then it hit me, on paper my character was actually trash. But my desire to win enabled him to outperform in every game I actively played.
When I played it took longer and the loading screens, repetitive commentator chat and unskippable scenes drove me mad.
But, and this is a big but- my character performed better, outscoring opponents, winning games, and could actually level up.
I was the key to accelerating his progress greatly.
I knew if I left it up to the computer simulation I’d never get to the NBA finals MVP.
I set out on my goal feeling invigorated to overcome the powers of the computer program and claim victory!
Then I thought hold on… What the hell am I doing with MY OWN ACTUAL LIFE?!
The lightbulb moment made the parallel painfully obvious.
The realization was simple yet profound.
If you want to win whether in a video game or in real Life you have to actually play the game.
You can't rely on simulations to win, you can’t be an NPC. (Non-Player Character)
You can’t just watch a simulation play out, hope for the best, then complain when you keep losing.
You have to be PROACTIVE. You have to play every game, put in the effort, and push yourself to succeed.
And for this to happen you have to have something to push yourself towards.
Goal Setting
This brings us to a critical aspect of success: goal setting.
Without a goal, you’re like a plastic bag just blowing around in the wind.
In NBA 2K, my goal was clear: become the MVP.
In life, you need to set clear, achievable goals to give you direction and purpose.
Then you can take control, make decisions, and drive yourself forward.
A massive part of burnout is feeling you have no control over your work. You’re putting a lot of effort into a never-ending onslaught of work that’s thrown at you by others. You don’t have a strong sense of what your trying to achieve for your own personal gratification.
Whether it's running a marathon, writing a book, buying a house, or getting your dream job, having a specific goal:
- Helps focus your efforts
- Gives you meaning and purpose
- Gives you something to strive for
- Gives you something to measure your progress against.
Setting effective goals
SMART goals framework
As a junior doctor and then as a GP the SMART goals framework was forced on me in e-portfolio and the GP annual appraisal–
So it was with abit of a grudge that I've come to accept it wholeheartedly. The SMART goals framework is without a doubt one of the most valuable tools I've utilised on my personal development journey.
Let’s go through the SMART acronym briefly:
Define exactly what you want to achieve and know specifically what you want.
Instead of saying you want to 'get fit,' say you want to 'run a 5k in under 30 minutes’. Think of it like inputting a prompt into a super computer i.e your mind. Vagueness will slow it down by giving too many interpretations to process.
How will you actually know when the goal is completed?
Ensure you can track your progress as you’re putting in the work.
‘Write a book' becomes 'write 1,000 words a week’
Now you can actually measure how well you’re doing.
Set realistic goals that challenge you but are attainable.
‘Become an NBA player' might be a stretch, but 'join a local basketball league' is doable.
Choose goals that matter to you. Make sure they align with your values and long-term objectives.
I’m actually grateful to the GP appraisal process as it forced me to think about relevant goals. I realised I couldn’t think of any within the scope of the traditional GP role because there was nothing that aligned to my values.
Hence why I decided to transition into coaching.
Set a deadline. This creates urgency and helps you stay focused.
'Save $5,000' becomes 'save $5,000 in six months’.
Nowadays most people have shorter attention spans so can only do things once they become urgent. But remember you have the power to set your own urgency based on what you want to achieve.
Be SMART, don’t be an NPC.
Winning in life, just as in NBA 2k is all about:
- Being proactive
- Setting SMART goals
- Working hard to achieve them.
Don't hand over control of your life to a simulation.
You create your own destiny.
Play every game, set your goals, and give it your all.
I help people to regain control of their lives without feeling overwhelmed- through my virtual coaching room 'The Empowerment Clinic'
Book a free call today to find out how coaching could help you.
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